OrderCreate with 3-D-Secure

When you send an OrderCreateRQ and 3-D-Secure is required for the payment card, we will respond with a CustomerInputRQ instead of the OrderViewRS. The CustomerInputRQ is a way for the API to tell the client that more information is required to be able to proceed.

API flow

3-D-Secure overview

The message pair CustomerInputRQ/RS from NDC 17.2 schema is used when 3-D Secure is required.

Multiple redirects occur at the OTA and User-agent before a CustomerInputRS can be sent back to the Norwegian NDC API.

3-D-Secure redirect flow
The following information is mandatory in the OrderCreateRQ for the 3-D-Secure to succeed.

OrderCreateParameters/Alerts/Alert/SecurePaymentAlert/Details/CustomerDevice/IP_Address OrderCreateParameters/Alerts/Alert/SecurePaymentAlert/Details/CustomerDevice/BrowserUserAgentHeader

OrderCreateParameters/Alerts/Alert/SecurePaymentAlert/URLs/FailURL OrderCreateParameters/Alerts/Alert/SecurePaymentAlert/URLs/TermURL


Request: OrderCreateRQ

HTTP Request
URLs needed from OTA/Aggregator in setup of 3D secure support


The URL to which the user will be directed to at the conclusion of 3D secure authentication.


URL to which the user will be directed in the event of a 3D secure authorisation failure.

Response: CustomerInputRQ

HTTP Response

Transaction Type

3D Secure Transaction Type

Value: Authorize

Description: Authorize the amount (no funds transferred)


Secure Payment transaction reference. Must be returned in CustomerInputRS.


The identifier of the original transaction that initiated this authentication. Must be returned in CustomerInputRS.


3DS Access Control System URL. The browser should simply redirect to this URL.

Request: CustomerInputRS

HTTP Request


Secure Payment transaction reference. Value from CustomerInputRQ.


The identifier of the original transaction that initiated this authentication. Value from CustomerInputRQ.


3DS Program ACS Customer Authentication status.

Value: Y

Description: Customer Authenticated


Value: N

Description: Customer not authenticated


Value: A

Description: An authentication attempt occurred but could not be completed


Value: U

Description: Unable to perform authentication

Response: OrderViewRS

HTTP Response